Fire Extinguishers: Types, uses and Potential Risks

Fire extinguishers are essential tools for combating small fires, but their use requires caution and awareness. When used correctly, they can stop a small fire from advancing to a dangerous and uncontrollable level, helping to prevent extensive damage and potential harm. While CO2 and powder extinguishers are effective in extinguishing flames, there are inherent risks […]

How do I meet the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) order?

If you are the responsible person, you must make sure you carry out a fire-risk assessment although you can pass this task to some other competent person. However, you will still be responsible, in law, for meeting the order. The responsible person, either on their own or with any other responsible person, must as far […]

Advantages of In-House & Onsite Fire Safety Training

6 reasons why In-House & Off-site First Aid Training will be great for your organisation.

Common myths around choosing On-site Fire Safety Training Courses

If you’ve only experienced traditional ‘open’ Fire Safety training courses before, or you’re worried that on-site training might not be right for your workplace, please see the information below. The following dispels some common myths about on-site and in-house training. 

Top 5 things to look for when buying an Auto External Defibrillator (AED)

Thinking of purchasing a Defibrillator but not sure where to start? Here’s a simple guide to help you get started…